Today 2025/02/08


The diameter of micro pile is less than 300 mm. Generally, they are implementing in two modes; with or without light steel reinforcement and cement grout injection. While, hammering the steel pipes and cement grout injection are implementing without steel reinforcement, in addition to improving physical and mechanical properties of the surrounding soil, retrofitting soil against liquefaction can be solved. Also, if hammering the steel pipes and cement grout injection are implementing with steel reinforcement, in addition to improving physical and mechanical properties of the surrounding soil because of cement grout injection, the bearing capacity and settlement of foundation increases and decreases, respectively.


- Ability of implementing in lands with limited city areas.

- Fast implementing speed

- Using smaller equipment in contrast with other methods 

- Not creating destructive vibrations for neighboring buildings 

- Optimal control of immediate and consolidation settlements in improved depth range.

- Ease of implementation tensile, compressive and lateral load tests on micro pile elements. 

- The flexibility of this method in case of increasing the number of floors and structural change. 



- Retrofitting soil against liquefaction.

- Foundation settlement control

- Seismic retrofit foundation 

- Foundation piping control

- Increasing the compressive, tensile and lateral bearing capacity of foundation.

- Implementation of supporting structures 

- Slope stabilization 

- Protect buried parts of structures against corrosion

Address: Miniator Bulding, Sarv Cross, Saddat Abad, Tehran, Iran

Head Office Address: Iran - Tehran Office - Saadat Abad - Pakenjad Boulevard - Southeast Side Sarv Intersection - Miniature Building

Phone: +982122127928  +98910-2092541

Fax: +982122078554

North office address: Gilan province - Rasht city

Phone: +989127063852

South Office Address: Bushehr Province - Bushehr Port

Phone: +989332994064



Paye Sangi Co . All rights reserved
طراحی سایت : ایران طراح